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For Garden of Eden Australia

Garden of Eden Australia is owned and operated by Alexis Cartwright  and Kay Bowden.

Off the Grid Energy

The ‘off grid’ experience at the Garden of Eden slows you down. Away from the hustle and bustle of modern life, at the Garden of Eden you can sit back, breathe in, and focus your spirit on honouring the sacredness of nature and the earth. At the Garden of Eden, we are committed to the conservation and stability of the earth’s resources. Here we focus on understanding how to generate energy and power from the elements around us, not only supporting the planet, but our own healing process.

The Calling

Alexis has always felt a calling to sacred land. With an open heart and eyes, for many years she travelled around the world, searching for the sanctuary she knew was in her future. In 2015 she was guided to Mount Yengo, conveniently located not far from her home in Sydney.


Following her guidance, she visited the Yengo parklands and became acquainted with the land. She listened to ancient Indigenous Australian stories of its creative and healing powers, and connected to the land with her own spirit. She knew she had found the home that would bring her vision to life.


With trust and faith, Alexis and Kay purchased a 61-acre pocket bordering the World Heritage listed Yengo National Park. All that would follow in the creation of the Garden of Eden was the manifestation of her life-long vision to bring the magic of this sacred land to life.

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The Powerful – 33.333

Gridline of the Planet

Though it only became apparent to Alexis and Kay after they became its custodians, this land sits on a powerful gridline (ley line) that interconnects it with the centre point of the galaxy.


This gridline is approximately 110 kilometres wide and runs along the - 33.333 latitude of the planet. It is said to be a very powerful and unique grid line that is studied by scientists, cosmologists, mythologists, and those who are interested in our cosmic origins.


It is also said to be the most instrumental grid line for “galactic and extra-terrestrial activity”, creating a doorway for us to access alternate dimensions through meditation or astral/lightbody travel. The beings it connects us to are those that are spoken of in the Aboriginal Australian mythology of this land. Some believe it is a powerful grid line for accessibility to higher guides for healing and enlightenment.

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A Place of Inspiration,

Serenity, Healing and Ascension

The Sacred Sites

Since it came into Alexis and Kay’s custodianship in 2015, there has been a rapid acceleration of energy running on this land. Through visions, it became clear that this sanctuary was a place of creative and energetic importance. The potential of this land was harnessed with the erection of two sacred sites: the Pyramid and the Goddess Stone Circle. These Sacred Sites now stand as alchemy chambers for regeneration. They are doorways of light that inspire your imagination, and connect you to the magical kingdoms of the earth and cosmos.  


As these sites were created, Alexis came to see that the Garden of Eden was meant to be created to support the elements of the earth and cosmos to alchemically disperse into and through the ley lines of the Earth (known to Indigenous Australians as songlines, and to the Celts, as Dragon Lines). This alchemical process creates a ‘transference’ effect on the planet; a process of energetic death and rebirth; a letting go of the old to be reborn into the new. These sacred sites now create a channel of energy that links the Yengo region to other sacred sites around the world. 

The Mythology

The healing potential of this land is symbolised by the Aboriginal Dreamtime stories of Baiame. Baiame is the Creator God of Aboriginal mythology, who came from the heavens and entered this world where Mount Yengo stands today. Baiame formed the elements of the earth before returning to his cosmic place of origin.


Mount Yengo and its surrounding National Park have been an important spiritual and cultural place for the Darkinjung and Wonnarua People for thousands of years. There are over 640 recorded Aboriginal cultural sites in the park and nearby areas. Aboriginal stories and rock engravings connect you with the rich culture of this ancient land and its people.


Mount Yengo marks the place where Baiame entered and left this world. Alexis believes this ancient spirit force and the land that is its home provide access to the Creative Principle. This force is also symbolised by the Sphere of Kether in the Tree of Life, known in the mystical teachings of the Kabbalah. The Tree of Life is said to have stood in the Garden of Eden before the time of creation. It holds the geometric blueprint for the creation of our immortal spirit.


Alexis and Kay have been guided to open this sacred space up to the public for others to enjoy. Their greatest wish is that as you journey onto and through this land, you experience its magic; to explore, meditate, rejuvenate and heal.​

Visit Garden of Eden Australia
Opening Hours by Appointment Only



 Boree Valley Road,

LAGUNA  NSW  2325 




0428 220 054

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